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The Doctor's Redemption (Shadow Creek, Montana) Page 9

  She put her hands on her hips not getting why he was suddenly so cryptic. It did occur to her that she had no idea who he really was, where he was from, or about his family. “So, um, am I going to see you at the shop?”

  He gave her a nod and walked out.


  Luke finished his shift at the small rural hospital, and for the first time since he’d arrived in Shadow Creek, missed the city hospital. Here, everyone seemed to care if you had an off day. People also wanted to talk to him. Patients and family members went out of their way to thank him. He supposed that was fine if you planned on making this your permanent home. He didn’t.

  He shut his car door and sank into the frigid leather seat of his SUV. Normally he’d go to The Chocolatiers, but he thought twice about it today. It was Monday and he knew from Lily that Gwen would be back at work today. Yeah, he wanted to see her more than anything or anyone, but he didn’t know what the point would be.

  He needed to tell them.

  His phone buzzed and he was relieved to see his sister’s face. “Hey,” he said.

  “I should be there next week,” she said, her voice sounding calmer than it had the other day. She wanted to make a few stops along the way and visit some different friends. He’d advised against it, but like the rest of the women in his life, she’d ignored his advice.

  “Good. Everything okay?”

  “I didn’t realize how okay until I started driving. I feel free, Luke.”

  He leaned his head back, knowing he was going to have his hands full in the next few weeks between the Baileys and his sister. He wasn’t a guy who liked dealing with emotional crap and that’s exactly what would be on his plate shortly. “Good. Has John tried to contact you?”

  “No. Not at all, and doesn’t that just say it all?”

  “You’re better off without him.”

  “I know. You were right about him.”

  “Doesn’t matter. What matters is that you left, you’re taking control of your life, and you’re on your way to a safe place.”

  “You’re the best, Luke.”

  “Hardly,” he said. “Drive safe and text me updates.”

  “Love you,” she said and hung up.

  He put his key in the ignition and blindly drove in the direction of downtown Shadow Creek instead of his home. It looked like the need to see Gwen won out.

  He swung the door open, the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and baking greeting him like a warm blanket. He paused for a second, taking in the sight of Gwen who was busy doing something behind the counter. Her light brown hair was piled up on her head and she was wearing a clingy knit pale blue sweater and jeans. She looked up and gave him one of her gorgeous smiles. He crossed the shop to the counter. “Morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  “You’re looking better.”

  “This is very formal for a guy who has seen me at my worst, changed my sheets, and dragged me off the floor.”

  He grinned, leaning across the counter, his internal conversation telling him not to get lured in. Clearly his body didn’t agree. “I’m trying to be polite.”

  She tapped her pen against her chin. “That’s it? So that’s the plan? Be polite and pretend nothing ever happened?”

  He sighed and straightened up. “Gwen.”

  She waved that pen around his face. “That won’t work. You walked into my life, hotter than hell, and have lured me in with that kiss and then showed me this other side of you. You took days off work for me and took care of me and now you’re like, no way? I don’t think so, buddy. Bad timing. This is the year of the new Gwen, where I go after what I want, and I get the guy I want. And I want you.”

  No one had ever accused him of being a saint. There was only so much a guy could take. He rounded the corner, not taking his eyes off her, watching the way she nervously licked her lips. He framed her face and kissed her. Who had he been trying to fool? There was no way he’d be able to walk away from her. He kissed her until she leaned heavily against the counter, until the bells jingling on the door became way too numerous to ignore, and the whistle jarring them too irritating to ignore.

  They pulled apart reluctantly and he was satisfied in a purely male way to see that Gwen looked dazed and flushed and thoroughly content. They both turned to see a lineup of very amused regulars. He helped Gwen serve up some coffees to get through the backup of customers. When everyone had their caffeine and chocolate fix, she turned to him, handing him his usual order.

  “So now what?’

  He’d find a way to tell her and her family. Now, there was no walking away from this woman without a chance. He didn’t deserve her or her family. All he could hope for was their forgiveness and understanding. “I have Saturday night off. Why don’t I pick you up and we go out?”

  Her eyes lit up but she frowned a second later. “I’d love to, but I promised I’d babysit Maggie for Chase and Julia. He hardly ever gets the night off…wait, why don’t you come with me? She goes to sleep at eight. We’d still have a night.”

  Julia. That was one woman he wanted to avoid. “I don’t want to put them in an awkward position. I’m also not good with kids.”

  “You’re a doctor. You have to be good with kids. And it’s probably good you meet them before Sunday dinner. Also, did I tell you I like that you’re a doctor now that I’ve gotten used to the fact that you’re not a woodsman?”

  He coughed. “What’s a woodsman?”

  “I’m not sure, really, but due to your disheveled appearance, rugged looks, and loner behavior that’s what I thought you were.”

  He reached out to pull her closer, realizing how happy she made him. For the first time in five years, he found himself smiling multiple times a day either with her or thinking about her. She was looking up at him, slightly breathless, and he knew that the chemistry they had wasn’t the kind that could be ignored. It wasn’t anything like what he had with Lisa and he and Gwen had barely even done anything. This was off-the-charts chemistry, the kind that had him fantasizing about her all the time.

  “You can’t kiss me here,” she said, poking his shoulder and then patting it and smoothing out his jacket. “Seriously, come with me Saturday night.”

  “Gwen.” He didn’t want to go to Chase and Julia’s house.

  “They won’t mind. I’ll ask first. If I even detect a bit of hesitation, I’ll let you know. I guess there is the off chance Chase wants to do a police check on you.”

  He stopped breathing until she burst out laughing and poked him in the ribs.

  “Just joking! Seriously, meet me there at seven. It’ll be fun.”

  “It’ll also be PG,” he said, thinking that might be for the best.

  She flushed. “What exactly were you planning for Saturday night?”

  He hadn’t planned on Saturday night at all. None of this had been planned, but he couldn’t walk away from her and he knew, standing there, that that would be his downfall.

  Chapter Seven

  “Seriously, it’s not a big deal for me to take you to your appointment,” Gwen said, shooting her father a look in the rearview mirror.

  He was sitting in the back while her mother was beside her in the front seat. How many times had they taken this trip into the cancer center in the city? It had been the three of them for so long but the mood was different now. When her father had first undergone radiation it had been after the accident, while Jack and Julia were gone from their lives. Look at how things had changed for all of them now. Even her. She had Luke in her life now. Never in a million years could she have predicted falling for a man like him—no, actually, she wouldn’t have predicted a man like him falling for her. But that was the old Gwen talking. It had taken her way too long to figure out her self-worth wasn’t based on her dress size, on her weight loss, or on the way other people perceived her. It was liberating.

  She had helped her parents through the darkest times in their family’s history and was proud of that, was so grateful fo
r all the people in their lives, and that they were all happy. She had learned to forgive her brother and start over again. The new Gwen was done with comparison.

  “Well, we’ve taken up so much of your time these last few years. You know this is just dad’s six month checkup, we could have gone on our own.”

  Gwen gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, careful not to let her nervousness show. She hated the six-month appointments because they were a reminder of what they’d been through. There was always that small chance that the cancer had returned. She had taken charge when her father had been diagnosed last time—from doctor’s appointments, consultations, she had sort of taken over. There was no way she going to leave it to them now. Her mother always had some kind of faith spin on things while her father didn’t even seem worried in the least. She wouldn’t be surprised if left unsupervised, he’d miss his appointment altogether in search of pie. “Well, I do like hearing what the oncologist has to say and I’d like to be able to ask informed questions if needed.”

  “Oh, Gwen, have some faith.”

  “I do. In myself.”

  “You know, I really don’t know how I could have such non-believers for children! I spent your entire formative years instilling God’s teachings into you and your brothers.”

  “Well, I’m sure God also wanted us to use our heads and be prepared if there are…situations that arise that require some thought.”

  “Everything will be fine, Gwen.”

  “I’m sure many people have thought the same and then received a devastating diagnosis.”

  Her father coughed. “Your optimism for my situation is really admirable, dear.”

  She winced. “Sorry, Dad. I’m sure Mom is right. I just want to hear it for myself.”

  “Gwen you need to lighten up and not be burdened by us. It’s time to concentrate on your own life. What’s happening with that handsome doctor? Is he coming over for Sunday dinner?”

  Gwen clenched her teeth. Great. Now she had to discuss something she barely knew herself.

  “What’s his name again?” her father asked.


  “He seems like a lovely young man,” her mother said. “Quite handsome too.”

  Oh, yes, he was handsome all right. “Yes, he is. He’s nice. Handsome. Hardworking. Caring.” She didn’t add sexy because that would be gross.

  “Does he like pie?”

  Gwen sighed, pulling into a vacant parking spot in the packed hospital lot. “I don’t know if he likes pie, Dad.”

  “You should find out.”

  While Luke’s dessert preferences weren’t the most pressing concerns she had about him, it did make her very aware of how little she did know about him. Why had he moved to Shadow Creek? It’s not like it was an area that was in high demand. She knew his wife had died…but he hadn’t told her much else. What about his family? He knew so much about hers. These were all things she was going to find out tomorrow night.

  “Dad, I need you to know I can’t bake you regular pies anymore.”

  Her father’s eyes widened. “Why?”

  She shook her head sympathetically. She understood his disappointment—she shared his love for sweets. “Well, I’ve seen your blood sugar numbers. I can’t be an enabler.”

  Her father waved a hand. “Never mind these doctors. They’re overdramatic.”

  “Well, judging by the amount of numbers that were in the red, I don’t really think that’s what’s happening here. But listen, I have been working on a low-sugar, low-carb version of one of your favorite pies. What do you think? I’ll bring it over on Sunday.”

  “No, no, I’m fine. You have enough on your plate, Gwen.”

  “Meaning you’re going to continue eating whatever you’d like.”

  He laughed. She tried to join in, but she hated that they didn’t take their health stuff seriously. It was dangerous. This was why she never should have moved out. Now he could sneak food whenever he wanted.

  “Gwen, stop worrying about your father and live your life, dear. We managed to survive up until now.”

  She wasn’t sure how, but she didn’t want to start an argument. “Okay, fine. But I will work on some low-carb desserts for you.”

  He gave her a wink. “No pressure, though.”

  She smiled. “I’m thinking it might be a nice addition to what we sell at the shop. Maybe a chocolate pecan pie? Or a blueberry?”

  His face lit up like Vegas. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  She laughed.

  They stepped out into the cold air, walking toward the hospital. She glanced over at her father’s profile and her heart squeezed at the tension she saw there. Even though he never let on, she knew he was nervous. She glanced over at her mother, surprised to see the same look on her face. She said a little prayer inside, praying for a clean bill of health for him, praying for some good years ahead, praying for the spring their mother kept insisting they were now in.


  Maggie clapped as she rounded the Monopoly board with her car. “Yes! I win!”

  Gwen and Luke laughed at her enthusiastic outburst. Maggie had warmed up to Luke almost instantly, and Gwen had been surprised by what a natural he was with her. He spent the first few minutes of the night asking her about school and her friends and her special interests. Maggie had loved the attention and had then suggested they play Monopoly together, bragging that she was the family champion. The three of them sat at the dining room table, munching on the veggies and dip and fruit that Chase and Julia had left out for them.

  Maggie put a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “I think we should play another round. I feel sorry for Luke since he’s the new guy. Maybe he needs another shot at winning.”

  Gwen and Luke burst out laughing.

  “It’s okay, Maggie, I’m happy you won. You were a tough opponent,” Luke said, scruffing the top of her head.

  Gwen’s ovaries ached just watching him. He was total family man material; he just didn’t know it yet. “Yes, Maggie you are an awesome player. But I’m sorry, your parents said that eight is your bedtime, and we’re already past that.”

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “A convenient way to get out of a rematch, I think.”

  Luke choked on his water and was obviously trying to hide a smile.

  Gwen turned to Maggie. She adored the little girl and her spunky nature. “Why don’t you get all ready for bed and then call me to tuck you in, okay?”

  Maggie nodded, dragging her feet away from the table, while Gwen and Luke started cleaning up the board game and food.

  “She’s pretty awesome. Really cute,” Luke said once they heard her footsteps up the stairs.

  “I know, right? She and Chase are considered family. After…after my brother and nephew died, Chase’s wife walked out on him, leaving him to deal with a two-year-old and an intense job. We sort of helped them and took them in, sharing duties with him and helping with Maggie. She went through so much, and had abandonment issues, that poor thing.” She looked up at Luke who was standing there, his face white and his jaw clenched.

  “You’d never guess,” he said, his voice gruff.

  “I know. Chase did a wonderful job raising her. I think we were able to help give her some security, knowing that there were people who were still her family and who she could count on. My parents consider her their granddaughter.”

  He looked down at the table. “Your parents are good people.”

  Her heart squeezed at the emotion in his voice. He looked back up at her. “You’re a good woman, Gwen.”

  He held her gaze and she wanted to know what that look was in his eyes. She had no idea what he was thinking, what he was feeling, but the air in the room had changed. It wasn’t filled with humor anymore and it wasn’t sexual tension, but it was distinct. Almost heavy.

  “Auntie Gwen! I’m ready for bed!” Maggie yelling at the top of her lungs shattered the moment, drowning out whatever was happening.

  “I’ll go tuck her
in. Why don’t you pour us some wine? Julia left a bottle on the kitchen island.”

  “Will do,” he said, putting the lid on the Monopoly box.

  She sprinted up the stairs and into Maggie’s room. Sure enough, Maggie was tucked under her plush pink duvet and cover. “Did you have fun tonight?”

  Maggie nodded emphatically. “I like him. A lot. I’d say he’s a keeper.”

  Gwen laughed, sitting on the edge of her bed. “I agree.”

  Once she finished reading Maggie her story, she kissed her on the forehead, turned out her beside lamp, and said goodnight.

  “Auntie Gwen?” Maggie called out as she was almost out the door.

  “Yes, sweetie?” she asked, holding on to the doorframe.

  “I’m happy you have a boyfriend. Now all the grown-ups in our family will be happy.”

  Gwen smiled at the little girl, feeling it too. Maybe they would all finally be happy.

  She walked back into the living room and Luke was standing there, pouring wine. He’d lit the fireplace and turned off the large dining room chandelier over the table. Her heart started a frantic rhythm as he crossed the room and handed her a glass. He was looking less rumpled than she was used to. Tonight he was wearing dark jeans and a navy V-necked sweater with a white T-shirt underneath. He still had his trademark stubble and his hair was still slightly rumpled, just the way she preferred it, she discovered.

  “She’s asleep?”

  Gwen nodded. “Either that or she’s eavesdropping at the top of the stairs.”

  They both laughed and sat on the couch together. Tonight, she was determined to know more about him. “How’s your sister?”

  He took a sip of wine, but not before she caught the tightening of his jaw. “She’s okay. She’s dealing with some stuff she’s not letting me in on, but I don’t want to pressure her. She’ll let me know when she’s ready.”

  Not much insight. “So…it’s just the two of you?”

  He gave a nod. “Our dad left when we were little and our mother raised us. She, uh, died five years ago. Cancer.”